

Gen. James Green

Writings After Prison--2023

There is a crucial distinction between natural ability and moral ability. The preacher, Johnathan Edwards, wrote about this distinction. He said that natural ability has to do with the powers we have as humans, e.g. to think, talk, walk, see, hear, and to make choices. Humans (men & women) have a free will which is part of their natural abilities given to them by God in order to make choices. We have natural instincts. Yet we also have a problem. The Bible declares in the book of Genesis: "And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination (intent/thought) of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." --Genesis 6:5

Many believe that what people call the "heart" is the core of the soul, the deepest seat of human affection. Remember what Jesus said about this: " . . .for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." --Matthew 6:21


Johnathan Edwards believed and taught that man's problem with sin lies with what he called man's "moral ability" (or lack thereof). His reasoning goes something like this: "Before a person can choose Christ, he or she must first have a desire to please God. Before we can find God, we must first desire to seek Him. Before we can choose the good we must first have a desire for the good. Before we can choose Christ, we must first have desire for Christ. The sum and substance of the whole debate on predestination rests squarely at this point: does fallen man, in and of himself, have a natural desire for Christ?"


Many believe that man/woman lost their original desire for God when they fell into sin in the garden. This is the “reformed” view held by Johnathan Edwards, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Thomas Aquinas, Saint Augustine, and more—names we are all familiar with. Some notable names who oppose the reformed view are Charles Finney, John Wesley, Arminius, Pelagius, and many more.

Among others who have weighed in on this important debate are Francis Schaeffer, Cornelius Van Til, James Boice, and Philip Hughes who were part of the reformed camp. Then we have C.S. Lewis, Norman Geisler, John W. Montgomery, Clark Pinnock, Billy Graham, and William and Catherine Booth. All these notable people also opposed the reformed view (I have read enough from most of the names listed above to gain an understanding of their theology and where they stand on this issue.)


Just what was/is original sin? Few believers will claim that there is no such thing. If we deny we are sinners then we need no savior. Yet if original sin is a reality, then that explains why Christ died for sinners. Most Christians will agree that admitting our "fallenness" is a prerequisite for coming to Christ.

To be perfectly honest, I don't fully grasp the predestination/foreknowledge controversy. I see truths on both sides. I once read that because of the fallenness of man that mankind cannot choose to be saved. In other words God has to save us before we have the “moral ability” to choose. In other words, we are saved so we can get saved. We hear this a lot these days. Does that sound right to you?


As an avid reader I've studied many points of view concerning this particular doctrine of original sin, aka inbred sin. One theologian who is also a minister and a teacher of systematic theology states:

"Original sin is not the first sin. Original sin does not refer specifically to the sin of Adam and Eve. Original sin refers to the result of the sin of Adam and Eve. Original sin is the punishment God gives for the first sin. Adam and Eve sinned—the Bible declares this. That was the first sin. And as a result humanity was plunged into moral ruin, i.e. the moral fall. The whole human race became corrupt/lost. This subsequent corruption is what the church calls original sin."


In closing, I want to clarify that original sin is not a specific act of sin. It refers to a sin nature or condition out of which particular sinful acts flow. Because of the first sin, all human beings have a fallen/corrupt nature. Sadly, all men and women are born with a sinful nature. You can think of this as a part of each of us that wants to sin. Our committed sins are dealt with through repentance and trusting in what Jesus did for us on the cross. Original sin is dealt with by the cross itself as we willfully and continually "put to death" our sinful nature whenever it rises up and seeks to have its way. This is where spiritual warfare comes into play. Thank God He has given us all we need to defeat sin in all its ugly manifestations. We have the victory!

**For further study I have included the following list of brief descriptions of various theological systems which you may encounter.

1) Transcendental Theology: This belief is concerned with exploring the fundamental conditions of theological knowledge beyond any particular instance of such knowledge.
2) Dialectical Theology: This branch of theology arose during the period after World War One and radically negated (especially by reference to the crucifixion) all human ways of knowing and relating to God. It stressed the corresponding need for God's initiative in revelation, also known as “Crisis Theology” because it heavily stressed God's judgment (Greek: 'krisis') on the Church and world.
3) Classical Theology: This refers to the paradigm, or foundation, for subsequent theology in Christianity, usually referring to the theology developed by the early Church Fathers during the first five centuries of Christianity.
4) Biblical Theology: This theology is conceived from and with constant reference to the Bible, especially applied to a movement which peaked during the 1940s and 50s.
This refers to the attempt to know God and His relationship to the world through nature and human reasoning without divine revelation.
6) Philosophical Theology: This branch of theology relates theological and philosophical thought, usually concentrating on areas of mutual concern.
7) Political Theology: This refers to a theology that works out the political implications of faith, more specifically the effects realized in the context of a modern capitalistic society.
8) Process Theology: This is a theological movement which emphasizes ideas of movement and becoming (process), rather than being and substance. The followers of this school positively affirm divine participation in "process."
9) Scholastic Theology: This branch of theology involves the education, methods, and theology of the 13th century Christian thinkers (medieval Churchmen and their followers) in later times. They are especially known for their application of logic to theology and their systematic attempts to reconcile faith and reason.
10) Liberation Theology: This movement originated in Latin America in the 1960s in the context of political and economic oppression. It seeks to apply the Christian faith in relation to the needs of the poor and exploited.
11) Hermeneutical Theology: This theological approach concentrates upon issues and questions of interpretation and meaning.
12) Historical Theology: This branch of theology concentrates on the development of theology throughout history.

--Gen. Jim Green


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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